Church It Up
Where two or three or gathered in my name, there am I with them.
Matthew 18:20 (NIV)
Because I directed a First Grade Vacation Bible School class and because I babysat my grandkids in the summer, my two-year old grandson was able to go to Preschool VBS. Even though I called it Bible School. He called it “Bible Church.”
He was so excited about “Bible Church.” He really enjoyed it. At the end of each day when his brother and I would go pick him up, he barely acknowledged us. We had to call out to him several times before he would come. On our way home he sang some of the songs and talked about Bible Church.
The night before the last day VBS, he ended up with a fever. He, of course, did not get to attend and was devastated.
That got me thinking about my own enthusiasm for church – corporate worship, learning more about God, connecting with his people. Do I get as excited to go as my grandson did? Am I disappointed when I cannot go? Or do I feel like I got a free pass to play hooky?
I love the way he called it Bible Church, because, quite frankly, that’s what it is. We use the Bible, God’s Word, as our study guide. Although good times occur, that’s not our main goal. Our purpose is to be grounded in our faith, to worship God, to encourage other Christians and be encouraged by them, and to bring others to him.
God initiated the church. He called it the bride of Christ and gave it to us. It brings him so much joy when we want to go instead of go out of obligation or tradition. How he must revel in our corporate worship and the gathering of his people.
Father, give us the joy of a child when it comes to your church. Clear out any distractions in our minds when we meet together. Help us to focus on you. Thank you for providing us with this necessary part of our journey of faith.
Susan Partida