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Kingdom Flock

Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
Luke 12:32 (ASV)

These are tender words from Jesus. We are his “little flock.” He is aware that some of us need to hear a childlike statement spoken over us now and then. Our hearts yearn for calm and reassurance during these uncertain times. Like being rocked or sung over as a child, this melodious verse could be a lovely nursery song.

In the preceding words in the chapter in Luke, Jesus admonishes us not to worry and then quietens us with the nickname little flock.

He tenderly challenges us to quit worrying about our physical needs. Our Creator Lord uses birds and wildflowers as metaphors to teach and promise us that we are much more valuable to him than we can ever imagine. (Luke 12:22-30)

He encourages us to replace worry with faith by offering a higher and brighter way of thinking which frees us from the burden of anxiety. Our Teacher King urges us to surrender and allow Him to provide us with what we need.

What a difficult concept to digest today as news of desperate humanitarian needs rage across the world. People are fleeing their homelands for safety risking peril as they desperately search for ways to meet their basic needs.

Our traditional and comfortable understanding of this world is askew.

How can we begin viewing our existence in a different way now?

We need to accept a new perspective of the world, and of ourselves as disciples of Christ because our former safe and comfortable way of living has gone by the wayside.

And, in turn, we must focus our attention on the fact that we live in His Kingdom while we await our homecoming to Heaven. But while we wait, we are Christ Followers! As daunting as it may seem to be a member of this chosen group, we must realize the vital role we play as followers of the King.

Father, You have given us your Kingdom now as we await our Heavenly Kingdom Home. Help us to remain faithful and true to You so that we may accomplish the task of living out your promises before others as we step out our faith.

Jill Hendrix