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Spring Fever/Spirit Fever

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

Psalm 27:14

But now, Lord what do I look for? My hope is in you.

Psalm 39:7

I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.

Psalm 40:1


Have you ever had the feeling of Spring Fever? You just want to get out and do something. You might not even know what it is you really want to do. These words came to me during one of those times:


Itching to go outside even when you can’t,

Sunlight peeking through the clouds.

Beautiful flowers calling your name, 

While birds sing lively melodies.

Grass smelling from a fresh cut.

Sleeping trees wake up to bud.

Gentle rain tapping at the window,

While God looks down –

and smiles.

Having Spring Fever when you must stay inside can cause quite the frustration, but having a time in life when God says wait can prove quite the opposite. These are the times He can speak to us. 

Maybe He will prepare us for a coming change or maybe He will use the time to fortify us as we continue our journey on the same path we already travel. Either way He uses our restlessness and longing to draw us closer to Him. 

Spring Fever? Our time to long for the beauty of the outdoors. Usually temporary and eventually lessens as we spend time in nature. Spirit Fever? Our time to seek Him, implore Him for guidance, and spend time with Him. Fortifies us from the inside out.

He will hear us. He will answer. He will look down and we will ALL smile.

God, you are our strength and hope. Waiting on You has great spiritual benefits. May we never lose the desire for closeness with You.


Susan P.