It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
Galatians. 5:1
Some people think being a Christian means giving up fun, becoming dull and boring. For me, that is just not the case.
Galatians 5:1 says that Christ sets us free. Free from what one might ask? Well, free from the yoke of sin. Free from the slavery of sin. Both yoke and slavery indicate something heavy to me. Something weighing me down. How can one have fun and yet carry that weight of sin around?
Sin is not without consequences. These consequences can become quite burdensome and heavy. Christ’s death on the cross gives the power to overcome.
The Bible goes on to say in Romans 6:23 the “wages” or consequences of sin is death. This death mentioned speaks not of an earthly physical one, but an eternal spiritual one.
Jesus’ death on the cross paid the “wages” for our sin. For us to be relieved of the burden sin inevitably creates, we must repent and believe in him.
Only when we are “Christ-powered” can we escape this sin burden and trust in eternal salvation.
Having a relationship with God adds so much to my life. I do not have to go through life solo. I do not have to carry the weight of sin. I am forgiven. I am loved.
Burden lifted, slave no more, “fun” takes on a new meaning. Its definition changed, I embrace it. That does not make me boring as a believer. It makes my life a lot more, quite frankly, fun.
Father, thank you for your salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross. Thank you for taking away the slavery to sin.
Susan P.