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What is Truth?

Your word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.

Psalm 119:89

I have a pair of my mother’s scissor. Years ago she wrote on them in permanent pen “new.” What was true the day she wrote that word is no longer true. The scissors are old and dull. Some things that are true today may not be true tomorrow. But where can you and I find truth that will stand the test of time? What truth can you build your life upon that will never crumble beneath you?

Daily we hear a vast amount of information about which we must determine, “What is truth?” One politician presents his scenario of a situation. Another presents a completely different scenario. What is truth? One physician endorses a diet to increase health. Another declares it to be nothing but a moneymaking scheme. What is truth?

Pilate asked Jesus the question, What is truth? (John 18:38). He then left the room. It appears he didn’t really want to know truth. What about you? Do you want to know eternal truth, and, if so, where are you seeking truth? Research will show that many things held to be true 100 years ago are now known to be false. Philosophies or “truths” of men can change, but not God’s word. All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal (Psalm 119:160).

Jesus said to Pilate, …for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me (John 18:37). So where can you and I find eternal truth? In the life and words of Jesus Christ. The entire Word of God is as true today as the day God inspired its writing.

God’s eternal truth is needed in the world today where truth is hard to identify. So, as you and I listen to Jesus by dwelling upon the Word of God, we gain truth that will last forever. God’s truth is a firm foundation that will give us stability in an ever-changing, ever-crumbling world.

Jan Burkhart