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What Do You Want Me To Do For You

What do you want me to do for you?

Mark 10:36, 51

My sweet husband regularly asks me, “What do you need from me right now?” Often, this serves as a needed reminder of his presence and willingness to help. Sometimes it is the springboard I need to ask for help. And occasionally, it is irritating as I think he should know what I need after 34 years of being married to me!

Jesus asks a similar question two times to two different groups/people within chapter 10 of Mark. First, in verse 36, He asks James and John, “What do you want me to do for you?” In verse 51, He asks blind Bartimaeus the same question.

His question to James and John is followed by their foolish request to let them sit on either side of Him in glory. His response is not to rebuke them for their silly desire.  Instead, He tenderly broadens their perspective to see a bigger picture than their own selfish, prideful entreaty.

His response to the blind man is different. Bartimaeus says, “I want to see”. Jesus commends his faith and heals him.

What would my answer be if Jesus asked today, “What do you want me to do for you?” I confess that my fleshly self would say something like this: I want a today, a tomorrow, a life of unparalleled intimacy with you…moment by moment forever. But coupled with that, I want a life of ease all the way around: secure and spiritually fruitful children, healthy marriage, strong bodies, secure finances, vibrant church life…all that!

In reply, I hear my Savior say, In passionately pursuing me, dear child, you receive the peace and rest and security that you yearn for in all those other areas. How like our generous God to grant us the deepest heart of our desires!

See first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well (Matthew 6:33).

 Jill Hardin