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Day 4: All but One Thing is Meaningless

I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

Ecclesiastes 1:14

When my ninth grader asked for help on his essay, I got more than I bargained.

His book: Ecclesiastes.

His thesis: everything is meaningless.

How depressing. Besides, I didn’t even agree. Certainly, plenty of things have meaning.

In his first draft, he backed up the theory with plenty of verses from Ecclesiastes. But I still wasn’t buying the line that everything is meaningless.

However, his second draft caused me to rethink.

He concluded that only one thing matters: God’s judgement in relation to how we spend eternity. Eternity is certainly not meaningless. He goes on to write that we shouldn’t be sad about this. If you’re reading this, you still have time to make sure you spend eternity with God. Find out how, here.

I’m proud. Then I’m humbled. All I can do is thank God that my son understands true wisdom at a young age.

Who do you know struggling with meaning? Who do you know chasing the wind? Will you pray for that person right now?

If you are that person, find The Most Important Thing.
