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Fearing Change

Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.
Psalms 36:5

I accomplished the impossible. I devised a raccoon proof bird feeder! I just might post this victory message on a nature loving website since everything I’ve read states it can’t be done! True, these are deep-in-the-woods raccoons, not the city or state park variety who sift through trash cans. These do, though, love to raid our feeders using every acrobatic instinct known to these furry friends. What foiled their perseverance? Something new!

Instead of throwing away aging apples and oranges, I recently decided to leave them under the bird feeders at night for the coons, as we call them in Texas. Just maybe they’ll leave the birdseed alone, I thought. Surprisingly, they did leave the birdseed alone, but they also ignored the fruit! Out of curiosity, I sliced the apples and oranges the second night to increase the temptation by releasing their sweet smells. Well, one week later the apples and oranges were still officially deterring the raccoons. Seems these raccoons are afraid of something new, just like me sometimes.

Seasons change, relationships change, neighbors change, health changes. As His children, we do not need to fear the changes that come into our lives, because God’s love and faithfulness is unlimited. It doesn’t run out like our bird feeders. The Psalmist used the highest measurement he knew, the height of the heavens. That’s a lot of love. That’s an abundance of faithfulness—enough for each predictable or unpredictable change that comes our way.

Thank you Father for providing everything I need to face the changes that come into my life. The next time I’m feeling insecure by something new, remind me of Your loving faithfulness.

Linda L.