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Pour It Out

Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.
Psalm 62:8

Have you ever had one of those friends that you know will always understand? She’s the kind of person who will listen, support and offer the best advice? You know what you share will be kept private, so you don’t have to self-edit as you “vent” to her.

Did you know that God encourages us to pour out our hearts to Him? He is always available, understands every situation fully, and can intervene in ways that no human ever could. 

Have you ever thought about prayer as pouring out your heart to God? Make a coffee date with Jesus on your patio or in your favorite chair. Take your Bible and journal, leaving your phone out of reach. Then write down all that’s bothering you. Ask Him to help you, to change you, and to speak to you through His Word. Then open the Psalms and let His Words of peace fill your soul. 

Maybe you find your attention waning if you sit still too long. If so, take a walk with Jesus. Bring your concerns and decisions before Him. You may find such reprieve in these walks that you steal away with Him frequently. 

Many people pray in the car as well. You can speak out loud knowing the other drivers will assume you’re singing anyway. Many people waste their commute time listening to radio rants or mindless music. Why not spend it with Your Savior?

Where can you carve out some moments with Jesus this week?

Lord, thank You that You are a safe refuge for me. Help me draw closer to You each day.
