Just When You Need It
Let us come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may receive
mercy and find grace to help us in time of need.
Hebrews 4:16 NKJV
I was scheduled for an MRI one Monday morning. The nurse asked me two questions: “Do you have any metal parts inside you?” and, “Are you claustrophobic?” I answered “no” to both questions and confidently entered the room where the big drum of a machine was standing ominously in front of me.
“Are you ready?” she asked. I said, “Oh yes, I’m ready to do this!”
I had no idea, really, what was ahead of me. I mean, I was only being “imaged” from the neck up! How hard could that be?
On my back with my eyes shut, I was rolled into the big drum. I thought, I can’t get claustrophobic if I close my eyes!
As soon as the test began, vertigo attacked me and the room spun horribly out of control! Then the loud shock-waves of noise sounded and there I was – trying to hang on to my sanity!
I said, Lord, I can’t do this . . . except with You!
I started praying Psalm Twenty-three over and over. (“I will fear no evil” stood out a lot!) But as the words of the Psalm became real to me, I began to relax as though I was actually outside of the noisy turmoil. A peace came over me that was supernatural – His Peace!
In that experience I was reminded that what always matters most isn’t reading my Bible more, or doing nice things for others (as wonderful as that is); it is the conscious inviting of Jesus into every circumstance that gives me a peace that is REAL – or hope – joy – forgiveness – confidence – freedom – whatever it is that I need!
Father,thank you for your mercy and grace. I know I can come any time to You with the assurance that You are my supply!