

But if you say so…

Luke 5:5 NLT


As I began this year, I prayed to the Lord to show me a word that He wants me to focus on for this year. And He brought to mind the word… Surrender.

And I understood, I am to surrender to the Lord’s will for me.

This meant to let go of “my” will for me too… hmmm.

Now, this is getting uncomfortable. Now, I am not so sure about this word.

I realized that I need to keep in mind… who Jesus is and how He does things.

Let’s look at this example in Scripture when Jesus first meets several of His future disciples.

These men had been fishing all night with no success.

Jesus invites one man to serve Him by stepping into his boat and asking him to push Jesus out a little into the water so He can speak to the people who have gathered.

After Jesus finishes speaking, he turns to the fisherman and says – now try it again.

The man considers who Jesus is and says…

“Master,” Simon replied, “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.” And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear! (Luke 5:5-6 NLT).

Later, that step of faith is rewarded, and that same fisherman is given an even bigger target – fishing for people – like you and me.

Eventually, this fisherman left everything behind and followed Jesus.

Do I understand who Jesus is that clearly, so I follow Him wherever He leads me?

Father, in the quiet of my heart... You speak to me, whispering, “Trust Me by surrendering to My will.” Help me let go of my own way and see clearly who You are, so I will follow You where You lead me. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.


Stacy A. Davis







Passing the Baton

Passing the Baton