Game 7, A Little Like Heaven

Game 7, A Little Like Heaven

Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven.

Luke 6:23 NIV

I never in my wildest dreams thought we would be able to go to a Game 7. For those of you not familiar with sports, teams play Game 7 in the play offs with everything on the line. It is the last game of the series. In our case, the sport, baseball, included two Texas teams with the prize game located right in our city. We really wanted to go.

We searched the internet and knew the price range of those valued spots – way above what we could afford to pay. But then, there they were! Someone had decided to let their expensive seats go at an affordable price. What a miracle!

Wow! Game 7 – a little bit like heaven, the last big event, but heaven has eternal value.

Our exhaustive internet search for tickets on different sites took up much time until we found just the right one. Similarly, man searches the world over for satisfaction of the God-sized hole in each life. Mere humans, we cannot afford to pay the price for forgiveness of our sins, what we search for.  But God had a plan. His plan – to send his Son to pay the price.

God’s Son, born in a manger, death on the cross for our sin, He is our ticket to knowing God now and spending eternity with him in heaven.

Wow! What a celebration! Our team won game 7. More importantly though, we all win on God’s team when we accept his Son as our Savior. What a true celebration!

Father, we thank you for salvation from our sins. We could not imagine it, but you did. We rejoice in You.


Susan Partida



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