The Secret Place

The Secret Place

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Ps 91:1 NKJV


The Holly tree in my front yard provided a favorite childhood secret place. Its tangle of branches allowed me access to a forked limb, my special sitting spot. I often climbed there to read my favorite book or to spy on passing cars. I loved that I could see them, but they could not see me!

As the years passed, however, I've learned that finding God’s secret place requires much more effort than simply climbing a tree. In fact, finding that quiet place of communion is sometimes challenging. The Apostle Mathew tells us to go into our inner room and shut the door, but even that does not always work for me. Sirens, barking dogs, or the TV can disrupt my attempt at stealing away for time with God. Yet, I've also discovered that God’s secret place is actually more than just a quiet spot.

Discovering the treasures of time alone with the Lord requires coming into His presence. We do that by quietening our hearts before Him while seeking His Holy Spirit to guide our thoughts. This time with Him sensitizes us to how God addresses the deepest questions or intimacies of our soul. When I come into that place, I can sense His protection and peace. I also experience God’s confirmation that He is at work answering my prayers.

I am sobered by the length of time it has taken to bring my strong-willed heart into my new secret place on a consistent basis. The destination with its rewards, though, has been worth the challenges along the way.

My prayer is that you, too, might discover the sweetness of dwelling in the secret place of the Most High God.


Linda Lesniewski             


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