Clouds & God

Clouds & God

Whenever I bring clouds over the earth….

Gen. 9:14

I remember my father saying, “I love a “buttermilk sky” while admiring a scenic view of puffy little clouds. By fourth grade, I’d discovered there was no official “buttermilk sky" cloud formation, only cumulus, stratus, cirrus and multiple variations based on combinations and altitudes.  

Recently, an ominous rain cloud, set me on an interesting quest. I’d taken numerous pictures before its rain sent me indoors for coffee and my morning devotion. The opening line of the page surprised me: “In the Bible, clouds are always connected with God.”* The search was on!

I learned that Scripture references clouds 187 times in the Old Testament and 27 times in the New Testament. The first biblical encounter with clouds comforts us with God’s covenant with mankind after the flood. “Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember My covenant between Me and you and all the living creatures: water will never again become a flood to destroy every creature” (Gen. 9:14-15).

This reference returned my thoughts to childhood coloring sheets of Noah’s ark and a rainbow. Decades later, I’m still reminded of the covenant God made with mankind and all living creatures punctuated with His rainbow that appears whenever He brings clouds over the earth!

Thank you, Father, that you’ve created so many ways to remind us of your love and promises. Consistently open my eyes to see and respond to these symbolic wonders.

Linda Les

*My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers, July 29

God in a Cloud

God in a Cloud

Worship and Blessing

Worship and Blessing