All in Prayer

Who is Praying for Me?

I have sweet memories of walking through the back door of my parents’ home and finding them at the breakfast table, dishes pushed aside, Bible in front of them, and hearing their prayers for me and my family. Their boldness and fervor challenged me. Their tenderness humbled me. Their trust in the Lord gave me courage! What a precious legacy they left me! There is true comfort in knowing that someone is lifting you up in prayer to the throne of God!

Pleasing Prayers

In the first phrase of this verse David prays about his prayers. His desire is that his prayers would be like incense to God. In other words, David asks that his prayers would be pleasing to God. As I think about this verse, several questions come to mind: Do I desire that my prayers to be pleasing to God? Does God consider my prayers incense? Am I focused only upon what I desire or upon God’s glory and His will?

Fitting Praise

Open your Bible to the middle and there you find the hymnbook of God—those inspired songs full of praises and prayers. God inspired the psalms for many reasons, but one important reason is to enhance the worship of His people. A whole book of the Bible was given by God to teach us to praise Him!

Prayer That Goes Nowhere

The Israelites wanted to know, Why have we fasted, but You have not seen? We have denied ourselves, but you haven’t noticed! (Isaiah 58:3a CSB). When have you thought these very words or ones like them? Prayed, yet didn’t feel heard?

A Quiet Retreat

How important is prayer in your life? As your schedule gets busier, do you find less time to pray and sit alone with God? I am guilty of that at times.

Luke records a busy time in Jesus’ ministry. More and more people started to hear the news about Jesus. Crowds were coming to hear him teach. Sick people also wanted him to make them well (Luke 5:15 EASY).

For the Good of Many

I wrote before about my small dog, Buddy, that was attacked by another dog. This happened on a Sunday morning shortly before we were to leave for church. My husband, John, was walking our dog down the street. A big, muscular dog grabbed our dog in his mouth, shook him fiercely from side to side and finally dropped him. In all of this, the stray dog’s teeth sank into John’s hand, leaving behind several puncture wounds.

Hang in There

“Hang in there” is an expression of encouragement in today’s world. It’s a way to say, “Don’t give up.” Recently, I needed to apply the hang in there concept to my prayer life.

Fitting Praise

Open your Bible to the middle and there you find the hymnbook of God—those inspired songs full of praises and prayers. God inspired the psalms for many reasons, but one important reason is to enhance the worship of His people. A whole book of the Bible was given by God to teach us to praise Him!