All in Joy

Cracker Box Christmas

My grandmother loved to give everyone in the family Christmas gifts. As much as possible she made them by hand. She might make house shoes, hot pan holders, or doilies. She might even go so far as to buy a pair of socks for each of the guys.

Jars of Clay…relief from our enemies

Esther is another example of a woman in crisis, albeit of a different kind. More precisely, all the Jews in the vast Medo-Persian kingdom ruled by Xerxes were in dire straits and Esther was the only one who had any hope of getting the ear of the king. You see, Haman held a grudge against Mordecai, Esther’s adopted caregiver, because he refused to bow down and honor him (Esther 3:2). So Haman looked for a way to destroy all Mordecai’s people, the Jews, throughout the whole kingdom of Xerxes (3:6). He persuaded Xerxes: “They do not obey the king’s laws; it is not in the king’s best interest to tolerate them” (3:8). The date was set to annihilate all…on a single day (3:13).


How unattainable this verse seems now as we have walked through the first month of a new decade. We have already watched unkindness and uncertainty continue to flourish in the political situation in our country.  Homeland disasters occur so often that it doesn’t phase us as much when our flags are flown at half-staff. Cultural demise continues to grow while people are grasping for avenues of inner peace from a variety of sources.

Of Redwoods and Rivers and Sand Dunes

How then shall we live, you and I, in the amazing grace of the Branch (Jesus) from the stump of Jesse (Isaiah 11:1)? That’s the big question. It all began with the tree of life (Genesis 3:9); it will end with the tree of life (Revelation 22:14). In the interim, in this life, how indeed do we function like the trees planted by the streams of water that we now are, in Christ?

Side by Side

My heart soars when I watch a certain young man joyfully assist the worship minister rehearse with the choir before entering the sanctuary. His body bends over his crutches, yet he stands as if his posture was perfectly straight. His face reflects the joy and love of Christ with an unguarded smile. His eyes look to Heaven as he sings. Christ’s radiance on his face inspires me every time I see him. This man is famous to Jesus. Jesus is famous to this man.

The Simple Things: Remain

Perhaps you have heard of the My One Word experiment, designed by Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen to encourage you to live—really live—by the word you pick for the year. Well, look no further. In the first ten verses of John 15 Jesus uses the word remain eleven times, in multiple combinations of: remain in me and I will remain in you; remain in my love; let my words remain in you. Seems to me ladies, we need to take the hint from Jesus and remain in Him.

Oh How We Need Christmas!

I love, love, LOVE Christmas. I patently try my best to savor the Thanksgiving holiday before I break out my Christmas decorations and carols. This year I noticed more and more people in early November wondering about putting up their tress and listening to Christmas music. I found myself thinking, why not?

Holiday Reflection – The Light

Early in the morning I walked into our living room. The decorated Christmas tree stood there along with all sorts of holiday trimmings, but the dark morning made it impossible to see any of the glitz or glitter. The sight ultimately left me sad and depressed.


On my way to work one morning I heard the voice of a precious little six year old boy on the radio describing his first kiss. Obviously this kiss came from a girl other than his mother. He could barely contain his excitement.

Look at this One!

I had no idea what to do with all the little bags that just kept appearing after every trip. Each draw-string bag contained smooth colorful stones my husband selected from bins in souvenir shops. I usually remind him that the stones do not necessarily come from that area but a distributor supplies them to the stores.

Pure Delight

I watch it over and over and laugh each time. It’s a video of my son-in-law on his four-wheeler dragging a long rope attached to a small plastic swimming pool. Round and round they go over fields of last year’s freshly fallen snow.

Take it in ladies. The sounds and smells and sights of Christmas are everywhere, tickling my senses. I confess to loving it all. Yes, ’tis the season to be jolly, or happy, or merry—as you wish to express it. For sure the traditional greeting, Merry Christmas, embodies the spirit of celebration for those who love Jesus. Let’s get in the mood with a Merry Christmas Monday. 

Seasoned Words

My family and I like to watch cooking competitions, as the finalist battle it out for the best chef on the show. It is still amazing to me how so many of these chefs brag about their cooking and yet can get eliminated on one simple fact – they did not season their food with salt. The food was not pleasing to the judges and therefore they lost the competition. 

Contagious Laughter

I took my daughter to her scheduled dance class and was watching her through the glass window. She was leading a conversation with a group of her classmates just before class started.